March 17, 2011

Powder video

Tom put together the latest video. Most of this was filmed over the past two days, and most of the most was filmed on what I'll call "Super Deep Wednesday" (the name having been chosen just now in lieu of other monikers such as "Radioactive Pow Day" or "Nuclear Winter Day" -- don't worry, it wasn't really radioactive snow; we're still safe in Hakuba, and leaving soon).

japan week 5 from tom duggan on Vimeo.


  1. I think you posted this at the exact moment I logged on to check your blog. Another good one, Tom. What's that stick(?) that maybe had a camera attached.
    5 more nights (for us) and counting...

  2. Its shot on a friends (dan, whos the one skiing) helmet cam. It was then mounted onto a pole to get the other angle.

  3. Are you home? Do we get a final trip recap blog entry and video???
